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An in-depth workshop for coaches and teachers. Bookings: 1-on-1 or Groups

  • Available on request
  • Location will be arranged.

Booking Instructions

Each personality is vastly different from the others. Each type learns differently, processes information differently, and experiences things differently. Understanding the different personalities and knowing how to approach them to get the most out of them is crucial if you are in a teaching or coaching position. Approaching a personality the wrong way can cause a lot of frustration, as it will feel like they are not retaining information and that you cannot build a connection with them. A common issue that teachers and coaches struggle with is that they find it hard to relate with a certain personality as their own personality is vastly different from theirs. Learning how different personalities function is a massive tool in the coaching and teaching field. This workshop is specifically designed to help coaches and teachers improve their skills by knowing how to work with different personalities and customize their approach, which will help improve information retention, build stronger connections with their students, and ultimately improve results.

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